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Our Favorite DIY Barn Doors

This week, Caroline is working on a barn door for our hallway makeover. Originally, the doorway into the bathroom had a pocket door. Unfortunately, it was robins egg blue and we wanted to change that. When Caroline renovated her closet she accidentally drilled into the pocket door. This meant that we needed to come up with another option for this doorway.

Caroline decided that she wanted to put in a barn door instead. In coming up with the design, we scoured Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration. We wanted a unique design that went along with the cottage feel that the rest of the house has.

Ultimately, we saw a barn door that Making Pretty Spaces built. We decided to base our design off of this door but we changed a little bit of the design, so that it had a cottage feel.

Making Pretty Spaces

Below, I am pulling together some of the other DIY Barn Doors that we love and have inspired us. Maybe these will bring the inspiration that you need for your future projects. We might even use some of these designs in the future.

Favorite DIY Barn Doors

Which of these barn doors are your favorite? What are some of your favorite DIY Barn Doors you have seen?


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